
Family Adventure at the Wolfsee Lake

A further highlight is the lovely Wolfsee lake. The beautiful lake is located slightly outside of town, but within walking distance, and the adventure playground is well worth the visit. Your children might enjoy the lovely walk, and otherwise, there are no steep inclines so you can push the pram without any major difficulty.


The wonderful Wolfsee lake offers children a great outdoor playground to enjoy the water and adventure along the way. They can run, play hide and seek, jump and laugh, and with any luck, they will see some wild ducks in the lake.


You will also find the wild-herb educational trail there, and your lovely host Simone will gladly teach you all about the local herbs as she is a certified herbal hiking guide.


For all hiking enthusiasts we highly recommend the idyllic Rabuschl playground which is located in the heart of the wonderful forest. This fantastic place is the perfect spot for a memorable barbecue and some fun on the swings and slides. 

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